• Registration

    臺日雙邊光電研討會 Taiwan - Japan Bilateral Symposium on Photonics 2024

    日期|Date:2024/2/21(三) ~ 2/23(五)

    地點|Venue:國立臺灣大學博理館201會議室|Room201, Barry Lam Hall, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TAIWAN

    報名網址|Online Registration:https://forms.gle/mPr3WBL7qanUx4gE6

    報名費|Fees:Student NTD$ 2,000;Regular NTD$ 5,000

    報名截止日| Deadline:2024/1/31

    學會帳戶| TPS Bank Info

    • 銀行Bank Name:第一銀行平鎮分行 (First Commercial Bank, PingZhen Branch)
    • 代碼Bank Code:007
    • 帳號Bank Account:283-100-21073
    • 戶名Account Name:中華民國光電學會

    匯款完成後,請將帳號後五碼填入以下報名表,完成報名手續。煩請於1月31日(星期三)下午5時前回覆,俾利學會後續工作安排。(註:須完成匯款,才算完成報名手續。) After completing the bank transfer, please fill in the last five digits of your account in the registration form below to complete the registration process. Kindly respond by 5:00 PM on January 31st ,Wednesday. (Note: The Registration is considered complete only upon successful completion of the bank transfer.)